Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Wall Forms Seem to Be Complete


The deer think that the wall forms are complete and ready to pour! Photo is courtesy of our next door neighbors, Kenneth and Susan (Thanks!). There's some worry that the deer will fall into the excavation and not be able to get out ...... but, that hasn't happened yet.

As of late Friday afternoon, the forms for the walls are complete, I think. There's still a question in my mind about the "rounded corners" that Deb wants, but I'll email Steve the Builder later on today to understand how that's going to be done.

The home looks like a pick-up stix game from when I was a kid! There are 2 x 4 supports for the walls sticking up everywhere. The second set of forms completes the space where the walls will be formed.

My assumption is that they'll pour the concrete on Monday next. It'll probably take 3 days or so for the walls to harden to the point where the forms can be stripped. I'm sure that the subs will strip the forms as soon as possible, since they need the forms for other jobs they are doing right now.

Next steps are to install the foundation drains and backfill, install the Radon removal system and then prepare for pouring the floor slabs.


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