Friday, March 21, 2014

I Know I'm Being Overly Dramatic, But .........


Here's my mind picture of our home ......

This is a photo of an abandoned foundation for a building project in New York, not our home. Gloomy, eh?

We've had what I consider a setback in the building process. The foundations for our home were finished last Thursday, and the sub-contractor said they'd let them sit over the weekend and come back on Monday (the 17th) to start the forms for the walls.

On Monday, I found out that the sub-contractors were "busy with other jobs" and wouldn't be able to do our forms this week. They promised (yeah, right!) to come back to start the wall forms on Tuesday, March 25th.

That's an unnecessary delay of 6 workdays. So far, the total is 1 day lost to weather and 6 days lost to sub-contractor delays.

I'm so disappointed. It's a mental thing ...... how can I now trust the word of those particular sub-contractors?

OK, thanks for listening. I'll probably get joyous again after construction resumes; but between now and then, I'm as gloomy and forlorn as the picture of the abandoned foundation for the house in New York.


1 comment:

  1. Love how this post really describes how it feels to depend on contractors/weather... what a bummer! I'm sure your foundation won't be as bad thought, it doesn't rain nearly as much in CO as it does in NYC ;) j.k.!
