Monday, March 10, 2014

I REALLY Love This Place!


It was 77 degrees yesterday and 72 today, I was driving along to Roxborough Park with the windows down and the country music blaring - Alabama is my newest favorite, and Spring was in the air! Too good.

They're still digging for the foundation, so I hopped up on one of the dirt piles to get a sense of what the view might look like from our rooftop deck .......

Please don't read anymore - Coloradans say this next part is a secret! (LOL!)

Some people think the Winter was a rough one. I didn't. The snow during cold weather is light and fluffy and doesn't stick - just blows around. The temperatures average around 45 for highs during the day, but I felt the cold when temperatures fell to -12 degrees one day and Deb and I went for a walk. The green of the leaves and grass goes away, and everything turns brown; I experienced that in California, especially in the Sacramento area in Summer and Fall, so I don't notice it much.

The views in the Denver area are spectacular. Looking North and West it's easy to see the snow capped 14teeners (mountains +14,000 feet high); we haven't visited the mountains yet this year. Can you believe we live so close and haven't skied? We've found way too much in and around town to keep us busy, so no need.

We've found several places to exercise - including CorePower YOGA for Deb and friends, and a newly remodeled 24 Hour Fitness for me close by.

I've got to get the bikes out and tuned up tomorrow. They've been chained to a bike rack in the basement since October. The weather forecast says that everyday for the next week except for tomorrow will be bike riding weather. There must be 300 miles of easily accessed bike trails in this area. I've been invited to go mountain bike riding up at Strontia Springs Reservoir - the mountain bike riders tell me those trails are "gnarly" as they show me their scars!

Friend Steve and I want to buy a squirrel suit - for flying! Like Rocky! Well, we'll see about that after all the other sports are exhausted.

and on and on ......

Be well!


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