Sunday, March 9, 2014

Biggest Loser Ranch Malibu Adventure: Week 2


2nd week at the Biggest Loser Resort

Meet my new friends: ice packs, knee braces, hiking poles, the hot tub and the chiropractor. 

On Monday of the second week, I hit the trail hard.  This is the day that they do an assessment hike so that they can put you with other people who hike at your level.  It was a great hike and I felt much stronger than the previous week.   I even followed up the 7 mile hike with 45 min of intervals on the treadmill and found myself jogging at 6 mph for 45 seconds, followed by a spin class, core class and a pool class.  Not surprisingly, my body revolted.  At 7pm, I was lying in bed with a bag of ice under each knee and one on my left foot. At 9:30 pm, I was still applying the ice.

On Tuesday, I bought a knee brace for my left knee (already had one for my right knee), but I had to pass on the hike.  I had rekindled the torn meniscus injury by doing something so simple as slamming a medicine ball.  My knee was not stable, so  I went back to my room, set up my ice bags, took ibuprophen and promptly went to sleep.  I was still able to do all the afternoon exercise classes.
Wednesday, I did a hike that I had done the previous week and I kept wondering when “the hard part” was going to come; when I got to the top and realized that we had already done the hard part, I had a great feeling of accomplishment. 

I hiked the rest of the week and while tired, was not nearly as tired as I was the first week.

Am I getting fit or am I breaking my body?

I find myself asking this question often.  But 3 things tell me I am getting more fit.

Just when it seems I can do no more, I start into an exercise and I end up feeling great.  The other thing that is giving me some feedback and telling me that I’m getting fit, is an instrument that they use to weigh us; it is called the InBody 520. This machine tells you the lean body mass and amount of fat in each leg, each arm, and trunk.

Drummm roll…..results…..

I have lost 8.5 lbs of fat in two weeks.  I have gained 2.2 lbs of lean muscle in the same amount of time.  While the net weight loss is only a little over 6 lbs, I have lost 3% of my body fat.   When I expressed disappointment in the total lbs lost, I was told that most people take 4 weeks to lose 3% body fat, so I ended up feeling pretty darn good about that.

My guess is that I am generally good at building muscle when I work out and I think that over the years, I would check the scale and some weeks get a pretty low weight loss number – even though I was working out hard and eating right, and I would get discouraged and feel like my efforts were useless.   What I’m learning now, is that I need to be more patient (Mom was right, I am not a patient person).   I am realizing that being my normal size may actually obtainable!  I am very excited about this! Living a healthy lifestyle is really not that hard for me,  I like the food and exercise, but when it seemed like I wasn’t getting anywhere with it, it was easier to toss it aside.

Another reading that the InBody 520 gives is a reading of your intracellular and extracellular water.  The normal ratio is 0.360 – 0.390.  My ratio is now 0.386 but when I first was measured, it was slightly over normal at .0393. My understanding is this higher than normal reading was likely due to some edema.

I guess in Southern California, the InBody 520 machines are sometimes available in pharmacies like CVS.  In searching for InBody 520 by certain cities, I did find some places that have the machines, but it doesn’t sound as available as I had hoped.  Here is some additional information

Other revelations

Working out in the fat burning zone does not add to fitness and a calorie is not a calorie!

I’ll write more about this in upcoming blogs. Wish me luck in being able to keep my knees in good shape this week!

Bye for now,


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