Sunday, March 9, 2014

Biggest Loser Ranch Malibu Adventure: Week 1

Hi everyone!

For any of you that don't know....I'm at the Biggest Loser Resort and will be here for 6 wks.  Phil and I were watching the show and he encouraged me to check out the resort.  Then I found a Groupon for lots of $$$$ off....and here I am.   Some of you have asked me to "tell you all about it" so I'll write a note every once in awhile to let you know how it is going.  Others of you don't know anything about it...but I thought it might be interesting for you.

Accommodations / Facility
I like it!   The setting is picturesque, the room is modest but comfortable. The dining hall is all community seating.  You can see pics here

What is a typical day like?
Everyone checks in and out on Sunday there are no classes....but the rest of the week is very scheduled, with maybe 15 to 20 minutes to go back to your cabin and change for the next class.  

Here's a typical day.  Keep in mind as you look at this schedule that these are not options, attendance is documented at each class...if for some reason a class needs to be have to let the front desk know or they will hunt you down!  With that said the environment is very friendly and supportive and the training staff is truly knowledgeable.  There is a fair amount of personal attention -- much more than I expected.  They got me to go 5 mph on the treadmill for the interval class  ( a first for me since I generally walk on the treadmill)

The classes are 45 min.  The hike is about 2 hours of actual hiking.
6am stretch
7 am breakfast (pick up morning snack)
8 am depart for hike (van takes you to a different hike each day)
10:30 am  - 11 am return from hike (eat snack in the van)
11:15 am  Pick one  - cardio, stretch or the pool
12 - lunch 
12:45 lecture
2 pm Total Toning or Kickboxing, etc,
2:45 Refuel (eat an afternoon snack)
3:15 pm  Pool class
4:15 pm Cardio intervals
5:15 pm  Lecture or stretch class
6pm dinner

I'm wearing a Polar watch that tracks calories burned and max and average heart rate.  On Monday I burned 1895 calories and today 1475.  The difference was due mostly to the intensity and length of the hike.   

How many calories are in the meals?
1500 calories / day.  Each meal is served to you while you sit at the table.  Everything is portioned out.   There is an optional salad bar that is not in the calorie count and there are delicious dressings that are pre-proportioned out at 50 cal each.  I have had a salad a  couple of times and the dressings are good....I'll be bringing that recipe home.  The chef showed us how to make it at the cooking demo he did today. They serve organic food.  It is quite tasty. I haven't been hungry....but then again...not much time to think about food.  It is a joy to know that it is going to be there when  I'm ready to eat.  Morning snack is an apple or orange and 12 almonds, Afternoon snack is cucumber or celery and almonds or hummus. No caffiene!!!

How does my body feel?
I was exhausted on Monday, falling asleep in the lecture before they served dinner.  And, my head hurt from having no caffeine!  I was surprised that I didn't feel more sore. Today I feel surprisingly good. : )   I attribute this good feeling, in part, to drinking lots and lots and lots of water.  In any event, it is truly amazing what the body can do at any age/weight! 

I'll give another update about some really interesting things I've learned......stay tuned. 

Thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement.  It means a lot.


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