Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Update on the New Home-Front


When last I updated the home building front, we were mired in governmental red tape trying to move the house 10 feet West from the point on the lot where we originally placed it. That realignment required a "Building Envelope Adjustment," a Douglas County process that should be relatively short and easy. Turns out, after week 6 or so, that the process is neither short nor easy. Hopefully, we'll be completed with that process and on to the "get the permits to build" process, again with Douglas County, this week. So, maybe we'll break ground by end of February.

Other things are moving along ..... we've engaged an architect friend who will take the construction drawings and develop perspective drawings and an animated "tour" of the house. We'll be able to walk through the house and see all of the things that a visitor would see. That'll help tremendously in ensuring that we are actually building our "vision." And, there are a couple of places in the house that are particularly difficult to "see" - like the see through fireplace that we're placing at the top of the spiral staircase. That wall remains "undesigned" at this point, but clarity will come as we see the perspective drawings.

Perhaps the nicest thing about building the new home is meeting and getting to know the new neighbors. At the invitation of our neighbors, we spent a very interesting and entertaining evening eating, drinking, and talking. Turns out that he is an artisan woodworker who has a shop in his basement where he creates works of art - furniture primarily - for his home. She has an eye for some of the most striking art work I've seen and she's beautifully integrated the pieces into her home. We look forward to spending many more pleasurable hours with them.

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