Friday, November 15, 2013


Another beautiful, sunny day on tap for today. Supposed to be around 60 degrees. But, there's a storm coming in soon and we're probably going to see snow on Saturday and Sunday. Not enough though for us to get out the snowshoes.

Kitties go to the vet for the first time today. We have to board them while we travel to Rochester for Thanksgiving, so they have to have shots to keep from getting sick from other animals. Thankfully, the car carrier we have will work great to transport them to the vet and back.

Deb's birthday is coming up, so I thought I'd take her out to dinner. We chose Le Central, a small French restaurant close by on 8th street. It's been voted the best French restaurant in Denver for since 2008. Deb likes patty de froi gras; hopefully they'll have it on the menu.

Deb took some cute shots of Simon and Milana while on her trip back to the Bay Area. Simon is himself - smiling and happy. He very seldom is out-of-sorts and enjoys most everything he does!

Milana didn't feel good. She got over her blues pretty quickly and she's back to being herself and looking forward to flying to Rochester for Thanksgiving!

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