Saturday, November 23, 2013

First Snowy Trip to DIA

We learned a few things about going to the airport this morning. We are on our way to Rochester, NY to visit with Kelli, Jake, Claire and Evan this week and next week the Milner and McNeil families join us for Thanksgiving celebrations.

Our plane was scheduled to get off the ground this morning at 6:00 AM. Deb convinced me that getting up at 3:30 AM and leaving by 4:00 AM would be just fine. DIA (Denver International Airport) is about 25 miles East of downtown Denver, and without traffic, it takes about 35 minutes or so to get to the departures area.

Up at 3:30, brush my teeth, comb my hair, do a couple of other last minute adjustments, pick up the packed bags at the front door, elevator down to the parking lot and lo and behold, there’s 3” of new snow on my car! WTF?? (In Colorado, that means “What the Frack?” because of the current controversy over fracking to get at oil and natural gas deosits.) I’m from CA. Do you think I was smart enough to by a snow sweeper offer or an ice scraper or something else to clean the windows off with? Nooooooooo. Seems last time I scraped ice off my windshield was at Shaver Lake in the Sierras and I used my credit card.

So, standing there freezing my thumbs in 21 degree cold, scraping the ice and snow off with bare hands, wishing I had 5 gallons of steaming hot water ……

Finally off to the airport at 4:15. Now we have around 30 miles to go to long term parking, parking, shuttle to airport, checking bags, security to go through, trolley to take to the C gate area, and boarding to go through to get airborne.  I-70 East is snow covered, there are blinking lights of the snow plows everywhere, the car aren’t actually driving in any particular lane because the lines aren’t visible, and my windshield gets dirtier and harder to see out of with each swipe of the wiper blades.

Flight’s at 6:00 AM. We are right on time! As they shut the door in the boarding area, we make eye contact with the SWA rep who checks the boarding passes. He’s shaking his head, but opens the door to the gangway so we could board.

And, the flight is full – to capacity. There are two center aisle seats left. Deb gets the one up front; I get the one next to a contestant on “The Biggest Loser!”

So goes our first experience with DIA.  Hope I can remember where we parked the car.

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