Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Eating Our Way Through Denver

We're beginning to eat our way through Denver. Last night we went with friends to True Food Kitchen in Cherry Creek. This is one of Dr. Anthony Weil's restaurants and specializes in following the anti-inflammatory food pyramid. From that description, you'd think the food would be bland and relatively uninteresting, but not the case. I had three sea bass tacos with beans and they were delicious.

I was tempted to compare the food at True Food Kitchen with Alice Water's food at Chez Panisse in Berkeley, but there's no real comparison. The food at True Food Kitchen is cut-as-you-go meaning everything is prepared from garden fresh produce and the prep table is right in the middle of the restaurant. I'd go there again but I'd order something else just to get a variety.

Sunday morning we walked to Cherry Creek to have breakfast at The Eggshell. Cherry Creek is a very busy area of Denver, rather upscale, and one of the larger malls. Around the mall are lots of smaller boutique stores. Deb and I walked from the condo to Cherry Creek - about 1.8 miles or so one way - to have breakfast at a place friends recommended.

Perhaps we didn't catch the Eggshell on one of its better days. The servers seemed overwhelmed, and the Denver Omelette that Deb and I shared was unimaginative. It consisted of scrambled eggs with a little ham, some green pepper chunks covered with two round slices (pre-sliced no less!) of cheddar cheese. It was bland and not at all interesting. The Texas Toast was good, as were the chunks of potatoes (home fries?). All-in-all, I'd probably go there again, but if it looks busy when we arrive, I'll move on.


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