Monday, August 25, 2014

Stucco is nearly finished!


A small update on the home front .......

The stucco - both coats - is nearly finished. The only part left is the low courtyard wall to the North.

We got back early this morning to find out that WE are the holdup ..... Steve the Builder had a list of to-do items for us as long as your arm.

In the next two weeks, the wallboard will be textured, the window and baseboard trim will be installed, the hardwood floors will be installed, the painting will be completed, and the tiling will be underway. So, we had to pick the wall colors today ...... or more likely, in a couple of days, walk through the house with the trim installer, and decide on the balusters and handrail configurations for the entry staircase.

Pretty hectic time and we're right in the middle picking out the final details for the finishing rush.

Just FYI, here's our original vision for the home as drawn by our architect friend ........

Hmmmmmmm ......... looks pretty close!


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it! Looks incredible. It does look really close! Hope final finishing goes well. We would love to have you both over to see our new place in late Sep/early Oct too! We miss you and hope you're both well. Kat & Ethan
