Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Does a Bear S_ _ t in the woods ........evidently not!


I'm guessing you may find this gross.

We were at the home this morning to meet with the flat work Supervisor. Flat work is concrete for driveways, patios, and concrete staining for the main floor of the home. We were in the backyard, inside the courtyard wall and found this pile of scat (polite for s_ _ t) and our friend, Steve the Builder, says "That's Bear poop!"

I'm not keen on having a bear or Mama Bear and her cubs, traipsing around in our backyard.

We know there are bears around Roxborough Park. They've been photographed walking along the roads - an estimated 300 pounder was photoed last year. And, our next door neighbor chased one away after it had gotten half-way into their house through the kitchen window.

This is a good time and a tough time for the bears. They know that winter's coming and they'll have to stock up on food. But, they aren't supposed to be searching through rubbish and food scraps left out by us humans. So, they need to be protected ....... that's why the Association here discourages composting and promotes bear proof containers for food waste and trash.

Hmmmmmmmm ...... didn't think about having bears in our backyard. Guess I will have to get those gates up in the courtyard wall!


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