Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sparky's Been Here!


Sparky's been here for the last week or so ...... why is it that they call electricians "Sparky?" Seems like they all answer to that moniker regardless of their given name. A mystery for sure!

There's an absolute maze of wiring in the house. As we worked through the remodels in our home in Alameda, we found that we were always short an electrical receptacle or had to walk clear across the room to get to the switch for a light.

We've corrected those problems here. We have about doubled the number of receptacles, placed lights everywhere, set up all the switches as dimmers, and added switches on each wall for each light! It'll take us years to understand how to turn on or shut off each light!

And still, there are troubles. The junction boxes above the dining table are supposed to be can lights; the sconces on the stairway are too high and too far left; the bulbs should all be LED ..........

But, we'll get all that straightened out! Right after the decisions about what fixtures to put where have been straightened out!


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