Sunday, June 22, 2014

We Are (at least) Double Blessed


We are at least double blessed to live in the Denver area. We have great friends, an exciting downtown to explore, we are a way station / stopover for friends traveling from coast to coast, and we are creating a wonderful new place for our friends to gather.

It's been a wet Spring so far, and in the afternoons and evenings, the thunderstorms roll in, usually from the West over the mountains. We were inside the car picnicking before a James Taylor concert at Red Rocks and it was raining and hailing and thundering and lightening so hard we didn't know whether or not we'd actually walk up to the amphitheater to see the concert. The storm slid past us and continued on towards Denver, the skies cleared around us and the sun started peeking through the clouds generating a magnificent rainbow. 

While we could see it from Red Rocks, our neighbors in Roxborough Park really SAW it, reminding us that Colorado and Denver are probably the places where we are meant to be!

Thanks Kenneth, Susan, Anthony and Sue for helping us be in the right place at the right time!

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