Friday, February 7, 2014

Snowy Day It' Gonna Be A Snowy Day ....


This is more like it! Snow and cooler weather - maybe below zero tonite. Right now it's about 5 degrees and we've bundled up to go to Deb's writing class. Then out to Roxborough Park to get mail and return library books. Ho Hum activities, but part of daily life.

Woke up this morning to an outside temperature in the low single digits, bright sunny weather, and frost on the windows. The moisture inside the house freezes each night, and as the sun hits the windows, the ice melts and evaporates. The patterns of the ice are as pretty as any snowflake!

It looks like we have an approved Building Envelope Adjustment, and we've submitted to Douglas County for building permits. The people who have done this before tell us that it'll take about three weeks for the building permits to be issued. Then we can dig ground ..... in the middle of a Denver winter.

We've hired an architect to help us visualize the inside of the house. As soon as I can figure out how to do it, I'll post some of her renderings so everyone can see, and comment on, the home we've designed!

I'll just mention in passing that the Denver Broncos lost the Superbowl football game last Sunday. The other team played great defense and disrupted the Broncos' offense from the very first play of the game. Denver's defense was adequate but not outstanding, so I'm guessing that next season will see a Denver team that's faster and more agressive on defense. Having said that, it's just a game and there's no sense getting too emotional about it. Watching the game was a great chance to share time with friends!

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