Friday, December 20, 2013

Irish Snug


Tis the season for sure! Our good friends are including us in all sorts of celebrations of the final days of 2013. 

Wednesday night we were close to home on Colfax Avenue, listening to the music of the Gypsy Swing Review. Comprising the Review a violin, lead guitar, standup bass, and rhythm, guitar, the guys played "Hot Jazz" in the style of the Parisian clubs of the 1920's. 

Two sets of Hot Jazz and the youngsters started pouring in for the third set - of hot swing music! Deb and I took a swing dance class a few years ago and we enjoy the one or two steps that we can put together, but the kids at The Irish Snug make my head spin. I can't describe how fast and frenetic they dance, all the while the band playing the flapper music from the speakeasies of the 1920s. What a fun time!

Last night went to a small (100 seat) local theater to see "Santa's Big Red Sack." Yep, it's exactly what you think it is ....... a bawdy treatment of venerated seasonal traditions. Hilarious made more so because we've all lived at least a few of the sketches from the show. No spoiler here. You'll have to see it for yourself! 

Just goes to show how local theater can be both entertaining and successful!

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