Saturday, September 1, 2012

South Yuba River Mini-Vacation


Deb and I just returned from a nice mini-vacation on the South Yuba River in Northern California. It's a beautiful, crystal clear river that runs gently in the Summer time but gets really violent in the winter as rain hits the Sierra mountains. In the Spring time, this river is a favorite of white-water rafters, especially kayakers who seek thrills from the danger of rapids, falls, and boulders the size of a house!

Even though I didn't catch any trout, I did get a chance to limber up my rod and do a little late afternoon fly fishing. As Dad used to say, "I rolled a couple," meaning that a couple of trout took the fly but didn't get hooked and I enjoyed a quiet couple of hours walking the boulders under the bridge.

These mini-vacations afford us the opportunity to reconnect after living a busy life during the week, and we can play Rummikub, read, hike, walk, or just lay in the lawn chair as we choose. 

Pleasant days!

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